Thursday, June 9, 2011

Beautiful Person #3: Mich

Well, I am actually going to skip my family for a moment to give a shout out to one of my favorite people in the world, who turns 21 today: Michelle!

I feel like I have known Michelle for my whole life, but we only met in college through our sorority beta. There are some people that I feel come into my life for a reason, and Michelle is definitely one of them.

Here are a few reasons why I love this girl:

1: She laughs all. the. time. Not in the "I want attention" way, but in the way that makes everyone around her feel loved, comfortable, and, well, hysterical.

2: She has been willing many times to stay up late editing my papers for me.

3: She has a mean fashion sense.

4: We are basically the same person. Favorite book, favorite movies... we are constantly finding out more and more things that we have in common.

5: Michelle wants to have fun. Last summer I decided I wanted to go with Mich to New York over fall break, and started looking in to the possibility. I didn't mention this to Michelle, so I was shocked when I had a voicemail from her saying we should go to New York together! (We thought it was a sign we would find our spouses there... didn't happen). Still, it was a wonderful trip, and I love that when Michelle wants to do something fun, she does it!

6: Sometimes I call her Grandma Michelle, and she doesn't mind.

7: Michelle is very wise. She gives great advice and will listen to me for hours. (She even advises me on what songs I should listen to... "You are in charge of the iPod, Gail, so long as you choose Halo by Beyonce.")

8: She tips well. (She is very generous.)

9: Mich genuinely wants to be everyone's friend. And people love her for it and consider her to be a friend in return. You should have seen the number of people who showed up to her surprise party last weekend: they all have benefited from Michelle's sweetness and friendship.

10: Michelle simply radiates the light of Christ. She spends every moment of her life enriching someone else's.

Happy Birthday to my best friend!

Beautiful Person #2: My Dad

I plan to use this blog to give credit to the important things in my life; well, my family means so much to me that they deserve more credit than just one post. I want to tell a little about each of them.

Let's start with the head honcho.

When I was little, we would start road trips very early in the morning so that the family could sleep in the back of our VW Vanagon he drove south. As soon as I woke up, I would slip up to the front seat and my dad and I would watch the purple and orange sunrise together and spit sunflower seeds in silence. I think this was the start of our very great friendship.

My dad is the one who has taught me that I'll never regret doing something adventurous. I have so much fun with him, whether I am biking to the top of Emigration with him and throwing up all over myself, or we are racing down the Swiss Alps on our skis.

He won't buy us cable television, or flat screen tvs; we've never owned a video game, and all our cars are junkers. But he will bribe us to swim in mountain lakes and play chess and read books and go for runs.

Basically, he's rad.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Welcome to my new blog! I made a goal to start a blog this summer as a creative outlet but also as a way for me to acknowledge all of the beautiful people and things in my life. I want to appreciate the good in every day. Thanks for reading!

Beautiful people #1: My family

I can't dedicate a blog to beautiful people without talking about my family first.

They love me unconditionally, and I would do anything for them. We are a very tight knit group; even with three kids in college next year, my parents will still have all four kids living at home! I love it. I love how sometimes we will crowd around my laptop and laugh at Brian Regan until my dad starts crying from laughing so hard. I love how we all love food and eat dinner together every night. I love how we spend every summer Sunday evening on the front porch, dishing out homemade ice cream to neighbors and friends who "happen" to walk by. I love my family's adventurous spirit, like when we were in Maine and shocked everyone bundled up in coats as we swam in the frigid ocean. I love that we have all become huge Ute fans over the years, that the Amazing Race has become a top family priority, and that we drive a fleet of junker cars so that we can afford family vacations together. I love that my family motivates me to be the best person I can be.

Basically, I wish that our family could stay close forever, that none of us ever had to move away to Law school or get married and only see each other a couple of times a year. But those days are coming closer, and so I will just have to enjoy seeing them every day while it lasts!